marketing program at laurier

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Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, offers a highly regarded marketing program that equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the ever-evolving marketing industry. The program combines theoretical and practical elements to provide a comprehensive understanding of marketing principles, consumer behavior, and contemporary marketing strategies.

The marketing program at Laurier is designed to prepare students for a wide range of career opportunities in marketing and related fields. Graduates of the program are well-positioned for roles in brand management, advertising, market research, digital marketing, and more. The program’s strong emphasis on practical experience, including internships and real-world projects, ensures that students gain valuable hands-on experience to complement their academic coursework.

The curriculum of the marketing program at Laurier is structured to provide a solid foundation in marketing fundamentals while also allowing students to specialize in areas of particular interest. Students take courses in consumer behavior, marketing research, advertising, brand management, and digital marketing, among others. They also have the opportunity to choose electives from a wide range of topics, such as international marketing, social media marketing, and marketing analytics.

Marketing Program at Laurier

Combining theory and practice, Laurier’s marketing program prepares students for success in the evolving marketing industry.

  • Strong emphasis on practical experience
  • Specialization in areas of interest
  • Solid foundation in marketing fundamentals

With a focus on developing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, Laurier’s marketing program prepares graduates for a wide range of career opportunities in the marketing field.

Strong emphasis on practical experience

The marketing program at Laurier places a strong emphasis on providing students with practical experience to complement their academic coursework. This hands-on approach prepares students for the realities of the marketing workplace and ensures that they graduate with the skills and knowledge necessary to make an immediate impact in their careers.

One of the key ways in which Laurier provides practical experience to its marketing students is through internships. Students are encouraged to complete internships during the summer months or as part of their co-op program. Internships allow students to gain real-world experience in a variety of marketing roles, such as brand management, advertising, market research, and digital marketing. Students have the opportunity to work on real projects, collaborate with experienced professionals, and apply the marketing concepts they have learned in the classroom.

In addition to internships, Laurier also offers a variety of other opportunities for students to gain practical experience. Students can participate in student-run marketing clubs and organizations, such as the Marketing Association and the Laurier Advertising Club. These clubs provide students with opportunities to network with industry professionals, participate in case competitions, and work on real-world marketing projects.

Finally, Laurier’s marketing program includes a number of courses that incorporate practical, hands-on learning experiences. For example, students in the marketing research course are required to conduct a real-world market research study. Students in the advertising course are required to create and execute an advertising campaign. These types of courses provide students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting.

The strong emphasis on practical experience in the marketing program at Laurier ensures that graduates are well-prepared for success in the marketing workplace. Graduates of the program are highly sought-after by employers, and they are often placed in leadership positions early in their careers.

Specialization in areas of interest

The marketing program at Laurier allows students to specialize in areas of marketing that align with their interests and career aspirations. This specialization allows students to develop in-depth knowledge and skills in a particular area of marketing, which can make them more competitive in the job market and more effective in their careers.

Students in the marketing program at Laurier can choose to specialize in one of the following areas:

  • Brand Management: This specialization focuses on the development and management of brands, including brand positioning, brand strategy, and brand communication.
  • Advertising: This specialization focuses on the creation and execution of advertising campaigns, including advertising strategy, creative development, and media planning.
  • Market Research: This specialization focuses on the collection and analysis of market data, including consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive analysis.
  • Digital Marketing: This specialization focuses on the use of digital channels to reach and engage customers, including social media marketing, search engine optimization, and email marketing.

In addition to these four specializations, students can also choose to create their own specialization by selecting courses from a variety of marketing electives. This allows students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals.

The specialization in areas of interest in the marketing program at Laurier provides students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a variety of marketing roles. Graduates of the program are well-prepared for careers in brand management, advertising, market research, digital marketing, and other specialized areas of marketing.

The flexibility of the marketing program at Laurier allows students to pursue their interests and develop the skills necessary for success in their chosen career paths.

Solid foundation in marketing fundamentals

The marketing program at Laurier provides students with a solid foundation in marketing fundamentals, which are essential for success in any marketing role. These fundamentals include:

  • Consumer behavior: Understanding how consumers make decisions and how marketing can influence those decisions.
  • Marketing research: The process of collecting and analyzing data to understand consumer needs and preferences.
  • Marketing strategy: The development and implementation of a plan to achieve marketing objectives.
  • Marketing mix: The four Ps of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion).
  • Integrated marketing communications: The coordination of different marketing channels to create a cohesive message.

Students in the marketing program at Laurier take a variety of courses that cover these marketing fundamentals. These courses provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of marketing. Students also have the opportunity to apply these fundamentals in practical settings through internships, case competitions, and other experiential learning opportunities.

The solid foundation in marketing fundamentals that students receive in the marketing program at Laurier prepares them for success in a wide range of marketing roles. Graduates of the program are able to apply their knowledge and skills to develop and implement effective marketing strategies that achieve business objectives.

In addition to the core marketing courses, students in the marketing program at Laurier also take a variety of business courses, such as accounting, finance, and economics. These courses provide students with a well-rounded understanding of the business world and how marketing fits into the overall business strategy.

The solid foundation in marketing fundamentals that students receive in the marketing program at Laurier prepares them for success in their chosen career paths.


The following are some frequently asked questions about the marketing program at Laurier:

Question 1: What are the admission requirements for the marketing program at Laurier?
Answer 1: Admission to the marketing program at Laurier is competitive. Applicants must have a minimum average of 80% in their high school courses, including English and mathematics. Applicants must also submit a personal statement and a letter of reference.

Question 2: What is the curriculum like in the marketing program at Laurier?
Answer 2: The marketing program at Laurier provides students with a solid foundation in marketing fundamentals, as well as the opportunity to specialize in areas of interest. Students take courses in consumer behavior, marketing research, marketing strategy, and integrated marketing communications. Students also have the opportunity to choose electives from a wide range of topics, such as international marketing, social media marketing, and marketing analytics.

Question 3: What kind of career opportunities are available to graduates of the marketing program at Laurier?
Answer 3: Graduates of the marketing program at Laurier are well-prepared for a wide range of career opportunities in marketing and related fields. Graduates can pursue careers in brand management, advertising, market research, digital marketing, and other specialized areas of marketing. Graduates are also well-prepared for careers in sales, public relations, and entrepreneurship.

Question 4: What are the benefits of completing an internship as part of the marketing program at Laurier?
Answer 4: Completing an internship as part of the marketing program at Laurier provides students with valuable hands-on experience in a professional marketing setting. Internships allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom to real-world marketing projects. Internships also help students to develop their professional network and to gain valuable insights into the marketing industry.

Question 5: What are the advantages of specializing in a particular area of marketing, such as brand management or digital marketing?
Answer 5: Specializing in a particular area of marketing allows students to develop in-depth knowledge and skills in that area. This can make students more competitive in the job market and more effective in their careers. Specialization can also help students to stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs.

Question 6: How does the marketing program at Laurier prepare students for success in the rapidly changing marketing industry?
Answer 6: The marketing program at Laurier is designed to prepare students for success in the rapidly changing marketing industry. The program provides students with a solid foundation in marketing fundamentals, as well as the opportunity to specialize in areas of interest. The program also emphasizes practical experience, through internships and other experiential learning opportunities. This combination of academic knowledge and practical experience prepares students to adapt to the changing needs of the marketing industry and to succeed in their chosen careers.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

The marketing program at Laurier is a highly regarded program that provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the marketing industry. The program’s strong emphasis on practical experience, specialization in areas of interest, and solid foundation in marketing fundamentals prepares graduates for a wide range of career opportunities.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in marketing, the marketing program at Laurier is a great option. The program’s strong reputation, experienced faculty, and focus on practical experience will prepare you for success in the marketing industry.


If you are a student in the marketing program at Laurier, or if you are considering applying to the program, here are a few tips to help you succeed:

Tip 1: Get involved in extracurricular activities. There are many extracurricular activities available to marketing students at Laurier, such as the Marketing Association, the Laurier Advertising Club, and the DECA chapter. These activities provide students with opportunities to network with industry professionals, participate in case competitions, and develop their marketing skills.

Tip 2: Take advantage of experiential learning opportunities. The marketing program at Laurier offers a number of experiential learning opportunities, such as internships, co-op placements, and case competitions. These opportunities allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom to real-world marketing projects. Experiential learning opportunities also help students to develop their professional network and to gain valuable insights into the marketing industry.

Tip 3: Specialize in an area of interest. The marketing program at Laurier allows students to specialize in one of four areas of marketing: brand management, advertising, market research, or digital marketing. Specializing in an area of interest allows students to develop in-depth knowledge and skills in that area. This can make students more competitive in the job market and more effective in their careers.

Tip 4: Build your professional network. Networking is an essential part of success in the marketing industry. Students should start building their professional network early on in their studies. This can be done by attending industry events, connecting with professionals on LinkedIn, and reaching out to alumni of the marketing program at Laurier.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in the marketing program at Laurier and in your career in the marketing industry.

The marketing program at Laurier is a highly regarded program that provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the marketing industry. The program’s strong emphasis on practical experience, specialization in areas of interest, and solid foundation in marketing fundamentals prepares graduates for a wide range of career opportunities.


The marketing program at Laurier is a highly regarded program that provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the marketing industry. The program’s strong emphasis on practical experience, specialization in areas of interest, and solid foundation in marketing fundamentals prepares graduates for a wide range of career opportunities.

Summary of Main Points:

  • The marketing program at Laurier combines theoretical and practical elements to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of marketing principles, consumer behavior, and contemporary marketing strategies.
  • The program offers a strong emphasis on practical experience, including internships and real-world projects, to ensure that students gain valuable hands-on experience to complement their academic coursework.
  • Students can specialize in areas of particular interest, such as brand management, advertising, market research, or digital marketing, to develop in-depth knowledge and skills in a particular area of marketing.
  • The program provides a solid foundation in marketing fundamentals, such as consumer behavior, marketing research, marketing strategy, and integrated marketing communications, to prepare students for success in a wide range of marketing roles.

Closing Message:

Graduates of the marketing program at Laurier are well-prepared for success in the marketing industry. They are highly sought-after by employers and are often placed in leadership positions early in their careers. If you are interested in pursuing a career in marketing, the marketing program at Laurier is a great option. The program’s strong reputation, experienced faculty, and focus on practical experience will prepare you for success in the marketing industry.

Marketing Program at Laurier